Tribute to Sue from Jane and Andi.

Created by Jane 2 years ago
Sue was one of those wonderful people that knew how to live life well - and that the secret of a good life is in giving away your time and gifts to serve others (in whatever form that took, whether as a practice nurse or Chair of the WI) 

Sue had that rare gift of being able to make people feel welcome, special and important. She was amazing at bringing people together, lavishing hospitality and throwing a party or hosting a celebratory feast. Her food was always delicious (and well prepared) and she gained so much pleasure from the joy that her cooking brought to others. 

We will always remember Sue for her ready and welcoming smile. Sue was also full of mischievous fun! Who could forget her laugh and that cheeky glint in her eye. 

When she spoke to you, she always gave you her undivided attention and, by listening, put you at ease and made you feel valued . She was wise and considerate, and her advice on parenting gave so much comfort and reassurance to Andi and I who had no mums to advise. 

She gave me the confidence to make the big decisions I had to take on my own cancer treatment in 2018 - and she spoke from her heart, her years of clinical care and her own personal experience. 

Of course, Sue would be very self-effacing about any praise directed towards her, although she would acknowledge how proud she was of Ralph, Alex and Lizzie - and how they had come to embody and live the values that she held dear; respect for others, love of the countryside, being grateful in all things, plus a passion to live life. They have in turn become inspiring and generous young people, working to make this world a better, kinder place. What an amazing mum Sue has been to them, and a wonderful wife to Graham. 

We are so grateful to have known and been blessed by Sue; we have learned so much from her on how to 'do life well' and, while grieving at her loss, we are so grateful for the memories we carry with us. 
